
Viral Video: Authoritarian Priest Refuses Communion

On 28 April, in the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, known as the Sanctuary of Santa Terezinha, in Taubaté, São Paulo, Brazil, a priest disrespected a faithful and refused him Communion (video below). …Dugang pa
On 28 April, in the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, known as the Sanctuary of Santa Terezinha, in Taubaté, São Paulo, Brazil, a priest disrespected a faithful and refused him Communion (video below).
The communicant was kneeling. Rev. Silvio José Dias tried to force the faithful to receive the Communion with his hands, but the layman refused to touch the Body of Christ [Noli me tangere" / "Do not touch me" Jn 20:17].
As a result, the disrespectful priest denied him Communion and turned around.
The Archdiocese of São Paulo told Metropoles.com (16 May) that a member of the faithful who is in a state of grace has a "right" to receive Communion.
"In situations where there is a risk of the Eucharist falling or being desecrated, such as in large crowds, it is recommended that Communion not be distributed in the hand".
The archdiocese added that in "exceptional circumstances", such as a "health emergency", a bishop may allow grabbing Communion with the hand [as if this were "more hygienic"]. …Dugang pa
If John 20:17 is the reason to not receive communion with the hand, then you should read the whole sentence. John 20:17 - Jesus saith to her, `Be not …Dugang pa
If John 20:17 is the reason to not receive communion with the hand, then you should read the whole sentence.
John 20:17 - Jesus saith to her, `Be not touching me, for I have not yet ascended unto my Father;
And now that Jesus has ascended to the Father, the reason that Jesus himself gave has vanished.
Now explain to me what the reason is to not receive communion in the hand? It can't be based on John 20:17.
There must be a better reason.


NABOŻEŃSTWO PIĘTNASTU MODLITW ŚW. BRYGIDY czyli TAJEMNICA SZCZĘŚCIA ŚW.BRYGIDA-mistyczka. ♥OBIETNICE ♥ Od dłuższego czasu Brygida pragnęła wiedzieć, ile ciosów Chrystus Pan otrzymał podczas swej Męki. …Dugang pa

Od dłuższego czasu Brygida pragnęła wiedzieć, ile ciosów Chrystus Pan otrzymał podczas swej Męki.
Pewnego dnia Zbawiciel objawił się jej i rzekł:
"Moje Ciało otrzymało 5480 ciosów.
Jeżeli chcesz je uczcić pobożną praktyką, zmów codziennie 15 Ojcze nasz i 15 Zdrowaś Maryjo z modlitwami, których cię nauczyłem, podczas całego roku. W ten sposób w ciągu roku uczcisz każdą moją Ranę".
(Przypis: 15 modlitw codziennie, przez 365 dni roku = 5480) Potem w formie obietnicy dodał, że ktokolwiek zmówi te modlitwy codziennie podczas roku: * Uwolni 15 dusz ze swej rodziny z czyśćca, *15 sprawiedliwych spośród krewnych zostanie potwierdzonych i zachowanych w łasce. * 15 grzeszników spośród krewnych zostanie nawróconych. * Osoba, która zmówi te modlitwy, osiągnie pewien stopień doskonałości. * Już na 15 dni przed śmiercią będzie przeżywała szczery żal za wszystkie popełnione grzechy ze świadomością …Dugang pa
Te modlitwy tutaj nie są prawdziwe tylko zmienione te obietnicę są fałszywe.Wszystko piszę na stronie Salve Regina zaraz tutaj wyśle.Prawdziwa Wersję …Dugang pa
Te modlitwy tutaj nie są prawdziwe tylko zmienione te obietnicę są fałszywe.Wszystko piszę na stronie Salve Regina zaraz tutaj wyśle.Prawdziwa Wersję odmawia się przed miesiąc a nie przez rok.Nabożeństwo do Męki Pańskiej. - Salve Regina
Izabela Drwal mipakigbahin niini
46 dugang komento

Again: Unforgiving Francis Wants to "Forgive Everything" - Without Conversion

In a meeting with 800 priests and religious in the Basilica of San Zeno during his visit to Verona on 18 May, Francis once again promoted formalism by calling for cheap absolution after an empty confession. …Dugang pa
In a meeting with 800 priests and religious in the Basilica of San Zeno during his visit to Verona on 18 May, Francis once again promoted formalism by calling for cheap absolution after an empty confession.
He overlooked the fact that confession has virtually died out after Vatican II precisely because of such formalism.
"Confession should not be a torture," he said, as if anyone had ever claimed it was. Then Francis, who is known to be vindictive and unforgiving, added: "Please forgive everything" and "forgive without making them suffer" - something Francis himself has never done since he has been running the Vatican.
If the priest doesn't understand what the penitent is saying, he should go on, because "the Lord understands", Francis said, revealing a magical understanding of confession.
Francis recalled a cardinal, a confessor [Cardinal Luis Pasqual Dri OFMcap, 96], who, when someone "had difficulty saying things", would tell the penitent: "Go on. I didn't understand, but God understood …Dugang pa

Modlitwy do św.o.Pio +myśli świętego

Znajdziemy tutaj teksty modlitw wstawienniczych w różnych intencjach. Możemy je odmawiać zarówno za siebie, jak i za innych. Są tu także teksty modlitw do św. Ojca Pio, który jest naszym szczególnym …Dugang pa
Znajdziemy tutaj teksty modlitw wstawienniczych w różnych intencjach. Możemy je odmawiać zarówno za siebie, jak i za innych. Są tu także teksty modlitw do św. Ojca Pio, który jest naszym szczególnym orędownikiem w różnych sytuacjach naszego życia.
Modlitwa przez wstawiennictwo świętego Ojca Pio
Święty Ojcze Pio,
naznaczony świętymi znakami męki naszego Zbawiciela,
Ciebie wybrał Bóg,
abyś w naszych czasach na nowo ukazał potęgę
i cuda Bożej miłości.
Bądź w niebie naszym patronem, a gdy wzywamy Twojego potężnego wstawiennictwa u tronu Bożego Miłosierdzia, uproś nam przebaczenie grzechów, łaskę zjednoczenia z Jezusem Chrystusem w Eucharystii i radość trwania w Kościele świętym. Broń nas przed złym duchem, kieruj nasze kroki na drogę pokoju i naucz nas żyć w prawdzie i wolności dzieci Bożych. Amen. Modlitwa Jana Pawła II do św. Ojca Pio Pokorny i umiłowany Ojcze Pio: Prosimy, naucz także nas pokory serca, abyśmy zostali zaliczeni do grona prostaczków z Ewangelii, którym Ojciec obiecał objawić …Dugang pa
@Ochroniarz : „Pytanie które zadałem może i nie powinno w ogóle paść.” Wg mnie jest to dobre pytanie (szczególnie, jeżeli nas coś znacząco nurtuje). …Dugang pa
@Ochroniarz :
„Pytanie które zadałem może i nie powinno w ogóle paść.”
Wg mnie jest to dobre pytanie (szczególnie, jeżeli nas coś znacząco nurtuje).
Jak widać, Brat Elia Cataldo ma bardziej prawidłowo umieszczone stygmaty niż św. O. Pio i św. Franciszek z Asyżu :) , czyli najprawdopodobniej nie chodzi o miejsce pojawienia, bo chociażby np. Brat Elia i inni stygmatycy posiadają (czasowo) stygmaty na oczach (w pewnym sensie, gdyż krew z ich oczu spływa), a przecież u Pana Jezusa na Kalwarii nie było czegoś takiego, no chyba że podciągniemy ten problem pod łzy Chrystusa zmieszane z krwawym potem w Ogrodzie Oliwnym.
Dla zainteresowanych:
Święto stygmatów św. Franciszka z Asyżu.
@Ochroniarz : „Chodzi konkretnie o umiejscowienie tych stygmatów. Jakie jest prawidłowe?” Stygmaty na dłoniach są raczej symbolem, poza tym, lepiej …Dugang pa
@Ochroniarz :
„Chodzi konkretnie o umiejscowienie tych stygmatów. Jakie jest prawidłowe?”
Stygmaty na dłoniach są raczej symbolem, poza tym, lepiej widocznym niż by były na nadgarstkach (może chodzi o Bożą pedagogikę?). Możliwe też, że początkowo Rzymianie przybijali skazańców właśnie na dłoniach, wiadomo jednak, że ręce tych skazańców były najpierw przywiązywane linami (żeby nie odpadli z krzyża).
2 dugang komento

Wife: Married Spanish Bishop "Still a Bishop" - Was "Conservative" Only in Words

Married Spanish Ex-Bishop Xavier Novell "is not so orthodox or conservative" as he seemed, his wife Silvia Caballol told Antena3.com. She is an author of pornographic literature. “It's one thing to …Dugang pa
Married Spanish Ex-Bishop Xavier Novell "is not so orthodox or conservative" as he seemed, his wife Silvia Caballol told Antena3.com.
She is an author of pornographic literature. “It's one thing to preach and quite another to live it”, she explained.
According to her, Novell is not against homosexual sins and both have "many" homosexual and transvestite friends. Caballol believes that the Church has made "a lot of progress" [= regress] on these issues, "because now they give their [pseudo] blessing," Caballol says.
She does not deny that Novell himself attended sessions of a homosexual healing therapy. Infovaticana.com (May 18) adds that this rumor is widespread.
Interesting: Caballol claims and Infovaticana.com confirms, that only the "direct and express intervention" of Francis led to the wedding and that the required procedures (laization) were skipped.
Caballol adds that Novell is still “in limbo” because “he is still a bishop although he is no longer a bishop.” The “Church hierarchy …Dugang pa
Pope Francis has created a new category for married clergy- bishop in limbo.


Jezu, zanurzam w Twojej Przenajdroższej Krwi cały ten rozpoczynający się dzień, który jest darem Twojej nieskończonej miłości. Zanurzam w Twojej Krwi siebie samego wszystkie osoby, które dziś spotkam …Dugang pa
Jezu, zanurzam w Twojej Przenajdroższej Krwi cały ten rozpoczynający się dzień, który jest darem Twojej nieskończonej miłości.
Zanurzam w Twojej Krwi siebie samego wszystkie osoby, które dziś spotkam, o których pomyślę czy w jakikolwiek sposób czegokolwiek o nich się dowiem. Zanurzam moich bliskich i osoby powierzające się mojej modlitwie.
Zanurzam w Twojej Krwi, Panie, wszystkie sytuacje, które dziś zaistnieją, wszystkie sprawy, które będę załatwiać, rozmowy, które będę prowadzić, prace, które będę wykonywać i mój odpoczynek.
Zapraszam Cię, Jezu, do tych sytuacji, spraw, rozmów, prac i odpoczynku.
Proszę, aby Twoja Krew przenikała te osoby i sprawy, przynosząc według Twojej woli uwolnienie, oczyszczenie, uzdrowienie i uświęcenie. Niech dziś zajaśnieje chwała Twojej Krwi i objawi się jej moc.
Przyjmuję wszystko, co mi dziś ześlesz, ku chwale Twojej Krwi, ku pożytkowi Kościoła św. i jako zadośćuczynienie za moje grzechy, składając to wszystko Bogu Ojcu przez wstawiennictwo Maryi.
Oddaję …
Dugang pa
Bogusia K.
O Najukochańszy Jezu mój, Ty Najcichszy Baranku Boży, ja biedny grzesznik pozdrawiam i czczę TĘ RANĘ TWOJĄ NAJŚWIĘTSZĄ, która Ci sprawiła ból bardzo …Dugang pa
O Najukochańszy Jezu mój, Ty Najcichszy Baranku Boży, ja biedny grzesznik pozdrawiam i czczę TĘ RANĘ TWOJĄ NAJŚWIĘTSZĄ, która Ci sprawiła ból bardzo dotkliwy, gdyś niósł Krzyż ciężki na Swym Boskim Ramieniu. Ból cięższy i dotkliwszy, niż inne Rany na Twoim Świętym Ciele. Uwielbiam Cię oddaję cześć i pokłon z głębi serca.
Dziękuję Ci za Tę Najgłębszą i Najdotkliwszą RANĘ Twego Ramienia. Pokornie proszę, abyś dla tej srogiej boleści Twojej, którą w skutek Tej Rany cierpiałeś i w Imię Krzyża Twego ciężkiego, któryś na tej Ranie Świętej dźwigał, ulitować się raczył nade mną nędznym grzesznikiem, darował mi wszystkie grzechy i sprawił, aby wstępując w Twoje Krwawe Ślady doszedł do szczęśliwej wieczności
Elżbieta Maria Jantar mipakigbahin niini
Piękna modlitwa
10 dugang komento

Hollerich Contradicts Ratzinger: Women Priest Can Come “With Time”

Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich believes that Francis will not introduce [invalidly] ordained priestesses. Simultaneously, he referred to one of the Dubia of five cardinals which asked about …Dugang pa
Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich believes that Francis will not introduce [invalidly] ordained priestesses.
Simultaneously, he referred to one of the Dubia of five cardinals which asked about John Paul II’s teaching in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis that women cannot be priests. According to Jean-Claude Hollerich, “Francis responded very wisely: It is binding, but not forever” (Kath.ch, 17 May).
In other words: Ordinatio Sacerdotalis means nothing and can be changed at any time. Hollerich confirms this interpretation: “It is not an infallible doctrinal decision. It can be changed. It needs arguments and time.”
John Paul II defines in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis that “the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women.” What was true then, must also be true now. In October 1995, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger confirmed that Ordinatio Sacerdotalis is “infallible” and “is to be held always, everywhere, and by all, as belonging to the deposit of the faith”.
Since both …Dugang pa
Tomito Barnin Railin
The reality is that Hollerich's atrocities scandalize us and rightly so. But it happens that we are in a minority in a Church and a society that is …Dugang pa
The reality is that Hollerich's atrocities scandalize us and rightly so. But it happens that we are in a minority in a Church and a society that is increasingly disoriented and without Faith. And it turns out that this man is a cardinal elector, and will continue to be so for many years, so he can choose and, most seriously, be elected pope, because the good cardinals are also in the minority, and as long as Francis remains pope this will only get worse. Therefore, and although we currently refuse to believe it, what prevents that in a few decades, or a century at most, and with another pope and another context, there will no longer be a "storm" and the Church, in the hands of these guys, start "ordaining" women priests? Let's face it, the majority of people, inside and outside the Church, in many countries if it were done today would not only not oppose it but would applaud it.
I'm sorry but I'm not optimistic.
Louis IX
St. Peter could come down from Heaven and place his hands upon a woman in an act of ordination and absolutely nothing would happen. She would never be …Dugang pa
St. Peter could come down from Heaven and place his hands upon a woman in an act of ordination and absolutely nothing would happen. She would never be a priest and no pope can change that.
3 dugang komento

Pełna mocy Litania do Ducha Świętego wraz z wielkimi obietnicami!

Litania do Ducha Świętego & obietnice Obietnice Boga Ojca, dla tych, którzy w sposób żarliwy będą odmawiać tę Litanię przynajmniej trzy razy w tygodniu: 1. W sposób widzialny wyrwę cię z rąk twoich …Dugang pa
Litania do Ducha Świętego & obietnice
Obietnice Boga Ojca, dla tych, którzy w sposób żarliwy będą odmawiać tę Litanię przynajmniej trzy razy w tygodniu:
1. W sposób widzialny wyrwę cię z rąk twoich przeciwników.
2. Usunę przeszkody, które znajdują się na twej drodze do doskonałości.
3. Dodam ci jeszcze jednego Anioła, aby on przez [specjalne] natchnienia chronił cię przed pokusami do grzechu.
4. Wytrwasz na drodze cnoty.
5. Dobrze poznasz swoje braki i niedociągnięcia.
6. Otrzymasz moc, aby uwolnić się od grzesznych przyzwyczajeń. 7. Umocnię twoją wiarę, nadzieję i miłość. 8. Wyrwę cię z kłopotów materialnych. 9. Twoja rodzina będzie żyć w zgodzie i wzajemnej miłości. 10.Jeśli ktoś pragnie pomóc bliźniemu winien tę Litanię odmawiać codziennie, co najmniej przez pół roku.
Obietnice Ducha Świętego: Litania ta będzie się rozszerzać jak lawina. Jeśli ktoś ją przekaże innej osobie, będzie miał udział w jej modlitwach. Jeśli ktoś nie chce zachować owoców tej modlitwy dla siebie, może powiedzieć …Dugang pa
Renata Joanna Mruczkowska mipakigbahin niini
Piotr Ptasiński mipakigbahin niini
8 dugang komento

Francis: "Homosexual Couples Cannot Be Blessed" (sic)

In a second short clip (below) released by '60 Minutes' (in addition to the one on 'conservative' bishops), Francis commented on his homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia Supplicans'. "What I have …Dugang pa
In a second short clip (below) released by '60 Minutes' (in addition to the one on 'conservative' bishops), Francis commented on his homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia Supplicans'.
"What I have allowed is not to bless [a homosexual] union. I cannot do that because it is not a sacrament. I cannot do it. The Lord has made it so. But to bless every person, yes. The blessing is for everyone. For everyone. To bless homosexuals is against the law, against the law of the Church, but to bless every person, why not? The blessing is for everyone. Some people were scandalised by this. But why? For everyone, for everyone".
Francis' dishonesty is even more dislikable than his being unbelieving, rude, ambiguous, divisive, tyrannical, and hypocritical, etc. He knows full well that the text of 'Fiducia Supplicans' is not about blessing a single person, but about 'blessing irregular couples [= unrepentant mortal sinners]'. Couples are defined by their union.
sp2 . .
The intention of this Clown is to speak in such a way so that everyone finds something favorable, to make him appear as a good guy.
He sounds more like a politician than a Pope!
7 dugang komento
"If Harrison goes, I go with him." Coach Andy Reid
Would to God we had some Bishops and Cardinals in Holy Mother Church who would stand up for truth and righteousness with that kind of fearless courage.
John A Cassani
Reid and Butker are among the relatively few decent guys in the NFL.
1 dugang komento

Unfortunate Norms: Vatican Cannot Find Anything "Supernatural" Anymore

On 17 May, Tucho Fernández published guidelines on alleged supernatural phenomena entitled "Norms for proceeding in the discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena." The main change: Neither the …Dugang pa
On 17 May, Tucho Fernández published guidelines on alleged supernatural phenomena entitled "Norms for proceeding in the discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena."
The main change: Neither the local bishop nor the Vatican will declare that phenomena are of supernatural origin, but the Vatican can authorise the local bishop to declare that a phenomenon is "not supernatural".
There is no provision in these norms for ecclesiastical superiors to give positive recognition to the divine origin of alleged supernatural phenomena, the regulations state.
The second major change is the centralisation of the process, since Francis is the pope of Roman centralism. The local bishop's decisions must be given approval by the Vatican.
The document refers to cases in the 20th century where the local bishop declared a phenomenon to be supernatural, and the Vatican later issued a decision to the contrary. In other cases, a bishop said one thing and his successor said the opposite about the same phenomenon. …Dugang pa
sp2 . .
Just can't wait for Vatican reaction if a local Bishop declares Pachamama a Super natural Saint
Lisi Sterndorfer mipakigbahin niini
Why is Rome continually assuming more power unto itself?
11 dugang komento
Gipaambit ni Bazsó-Dombi Attila gikan sa Tom Morelli
Lack of humility, also.

Francis Condemns Himself: "Conservativism [of the 60s] Is Completely Suicidal Attitude"

Norah O'Donell of CBS News asked Francis during an interview that will be published in full next Sunday: "There are conservative bishops in the United States who oppose your new efforts to revisit …Dugang pa
Norah O'Donell of CBS News asked Francis during an interview that will be published in full next Sunday: "There are conservative bishops in the United States who oppose your new efforts to revisit teachings and traditions. How do you respond to their criticism?"
Francis: "They use this adjective 'conservative' [belittling smile]. A conservative is someone who clings to something and does not want to see beyond it. It is a suicidal attitude. Because it is one thing to consider tradition, to consider situations from the past. It is quite another to be locked up in a dogmatic box."
No Pope has lived so much in a "dogmatic box" as Francis, who runs after every ideology of the bygone 1960s, and indeed: this conservatism is suicidal for the Church and its disastrous results are visible to everybody.
I think Dante would be conflicted between placing him in 6th, 8th, or 9th circles below.
Dr Bobus
Francis is certainly interested in conserving the vapid Jesuit slogans of the 1970s. His papacy has reminded me why the Jesuits are dying.
6 dugang komento

Gay ‘Dr. Who’ actor may have driven away half the show’s audience

By Andrea Widburg In 1963, the BBC debuted Dr. Who has always been a leftist show because it’s a BBC production. It routinely castigates …
English Catholic
Quelle surprise . . .

Some of Francis' Workers Are Unhappy

A total of 49 Vatican employees are threatening to file a complaint over poor working conditions that "do not respect the basic principles of dignity". The group includes 47 museum guards, a restorer …Dugang pa
A total of 49 Vatican employees are threatening to file a complaint over poor working conditions that "do not respect the basic principles of dignity".
The group includes 47 museum guards, a restorer and a bookshop worker. According to Italian media, they intend to take the Governatorato, the Vatican administration headed by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, a Spanish Legionary of Christ, to court if they do not receive a satisfactory response to their demands.
In a letter to Vérgez Alzaga, they say that the working conditions in the Vatican Museums are detrimental to the dignity and health of the workers.
They complain that they have been unfairly paid for overtime, that they have not received promotions and that they have to pay back part of the salary they received without working because of the closures during the Covid hysteria. Other Vatican workers may be ready to join the complaints.
The workers write that "legislation regulating the world of work in the Vatican is insufficient …Dugang pa
Billy F
The Whole Kingdom of God is unhappy!
1 dugang komento

Food For Thought

While I am doing mosaics for Glory of God, I seem to be visited by every Tom Dick and Harry ever imaginable from both sides of the fence. So here is my food for thought. The extreme radical Novus Ordo …Dugang pa
While I am doing mosaics for Glory of God, I seem to be visited by every Tom Dick and Harry
ever imaginable from both sides of the fence.
So here is my food for thought.
The extreme radical Novus Ordo disdain the Traditional Roman Church, just as much as the other way around. …….. and that’s ok, it was certainly like that during the time of Christ.
The Novus Ordo call the Traditionalist a bunch of hypocrites.
Well, I began to think about this, since I have plenty of time to think while placing each piece one at a time.
As a calm balanced discussion,
Why is it that the righteous group ……. rather all of the righteous groups including children do not fast every Wednesday and Friday? Why do not all these groups including children fast everyday for forty days during Lent and forty before Christmas? The Oriental Orthodox do. They ensure the entire family is near to Christ. Why also is it permitted to eat pork and shell fish, as it is law in the Old Testament? These are strict prohibitions in …Dugang pa
"Why also is it permitted to eat pork and shell fish, as it is law in the Old Testament?" --- Because Catholics are not judaizing heretics. Cf. e.g. …Dugang pa
"Why also is it permitted to eat pork and shell fish, as it is law in the Old Testament?"
Because Catholics are not judaizing heretics.
Cf. e.g. Pope Eugene IV & Council of Florence - Decree for the Jacobites:
"The holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and preaches that every creature of God is good and not to be rejected if it is taken with thanks. According to the Lord’s word, a man is not defiled by what enters his mouth. The Church affirms that the distinction made by the Mosaic Law between clean and unclean foods belongs to the ceremonial laws which have passed away with the coming of the Gospel... So it declares that no kind of food is to be condemned which human society regards as food, and no distinction is to be made between animals on the basis of gender or the manner of their death. However many things which are not forbidden may and should be given up for the health of the body, the practice of virtue, and regular Church discipline. As the Apostle says: ‘All things …Dugang pa
1 dugang komento

Austrian Bishops: Lack of False Deaconesses Is Life-Threatening Problem of the Church

A 15 May synod report of the bishops of Austria strongly supports "sacramental deaconesses", which cannot exist. The Austrian bishops claim to have had "good experiences" with women in leadership …Dugang pa
A 15 May synod report of the bishops of Austria strongly supports "sacramental deaconesses", which cannot exist.
The Austrian bishops claim to have had "good experiences" with women in leadership positions, although everyone knows that envy, pressure, paternalism, careerism, etc. are rampant.
For the bishops these "leadership positions" are still only "a partial answer". They speak of a "women's problem" ("enormous loss of credibility", "massive threat to the mission of the Church") and claim that it would be satisfactorily solved by the [invalid] "sacramental deaconess".
"While the priesthood of women is sporadically mentioned, there is a strong voice, supported by majorities in the dioceses (including the diocesan leadership, Linz deacons), in favour of admitting women to the diaconate". The prelates even claim that the mission of the Church is "made impossible" because women cannot be deacons.
This "ministry, sacramentally conferred by the laying on of hands, must be opened to women …Dugang pa
Billy F
Biblical Deaconettes=Nuns today!

A ‘plague’ comes before the fall: lessons from Roman history

A ‘plague’ comes before the fall: lessons from Roman history By Colin Elliott | May 15, 2024 A ‘plague’ comes before the fall: lessons from Roman history - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (…Dugang pa
A ‘plague’ comes before the fall: lessons from Roman history
By Colin Elliott | May 15, 2024
A ‘plague’ comes before the fall: lessons from Roman history - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (thebulletin.org)
The ruins of the Colosseum in Rome. Credit: Livioandronico2013. CC BY-SA 4.0.
The Pax Romana—the 200-year “golden age” of the Roman Empire—was a marvel of diversity, connectivity, and unchallenged hegemony. By the middle of the second century AD, imperial Rome ruled territory across three different continents. Roughly one-quarter of the Earth’s population, some 60 million people, lived under Rome’s vast aegis, and the emperors of the age—most notably Marcus Aurelius—enjoyed the consent of those they governed. The Empire’s elites—witnessing the disciplined legions, widespread religiosity, cultural efflorescence, and dominant economy—likely expected their world order to endure forever.
In the year 166 AD, however, seemingly eternal Rome was caught completely off-guard as a …Dugang pa

Football Player Speaks Truth - National Football League Lets Its Pants Down

Harrison Butker, 28, a talented kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, who attends the Roman Mass, proclaimed some truisms in a speech on 11 May at Benedictine College in Kansas (full video below). The …Dugang pa
Harrison Butker, 28, a talented kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, who attends the Roman Mass, proclaimed some truisms in a speech on 11 May at Benedictine College in Kansas (full video below).
The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team. Butker's common sense provoked a backlash in obscurantist circles in the US, including the oligarchs' propaganda media. Butker said things like:
"I'm able to be the man I am because I've got a wife who leans into her calling. I'm more than blessed with the many talents God has given me. But it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band in junior high school converted to the faith, became my wife and took on one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.
She's the primary educator of our children. She's the one who makes sure I never let football or my business distract me from being a husband and father.
She is the person who knows me best at my core. And it is through our marriage …
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more young man should have the courage to speak like him
Wilma Lopez mipakigbahin niini
It is obvious that most people commenting negatively upon Harrison Butker’s speech at Benedictine College neither read or listened to it. They are …Dugang pa
It is obvious that most people commenting negatively upon Harrison Butker’s speech at Benedictine College neither read or listened to it. They are responding to headlines, characterizations, and misrepresentations, not to what Butker actually said. Social media has made folks lazy.
3 dugang komento
“A sizable majority of Catholics (61 percent) think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38 percent say it should be illegal in all or most cases."

The Catholic Thing

Last month, the Pew Research Center published a brief profile of American Catholics based on their most recent slate of survey data. There was nothing terribly surprising in the report …
John A Cassani
I would bet that those who are Catholic regarding abortion are, roughly, the same cohort who believe in the Church’s true Eucharistic Doctrine.
chris griffin
Most Catholics are pro-abortion. This is surely the beginning of... ... "However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8