Gad Saad: A quick reaction to today's 34 guilty counts against Donald Trump
Piers Morgan on Kate Middleton “It could be that they’re hiding something” “I’ve been told some stuff - which even if half of it is true about what’s happening here - is pretty alarming”
The Lombardy govt has again refused sponsorship of Milan's Pride bacchanal. The reason: "There are no conditions to support a demonstration that has proven divisive, provocative, and discriminatory …More
The Lombardy govt has again refused sponsorship of Milan's Pride bacchanal. The reason: "There are no conditions to support a demonstration that has proven divisive, provocative, and discriminatory against the life-generating nucleus formed by a woman and a man."
Die Regierung der Lombardei hat erneut die Unterstützung des Mailänder Pride-Marsch abgelehnt. Die Begründung: „Es gibt keine Bedingungen, um eine Demonstration zu unterstützen, die sich als spaltend …More
Die Regierung der Lombardei hat erneut die Unterstützung des Mailänder Pride-Marsch abgelehnt. Die Begründung: „Es gibt keine Bedingungen, um eine Demonstration zu unterstützen, die sich als spaltend, provokativ und diskriminierend gegenüber dem lebensschaffenden Kern aus Frau und Mann erwiesen hat.“
Harrison Butker Speaks Out: No Regrets, No Apologies In his first public statement since his viral and controversial commencement speech, Harrison Butker takes the stage at a Regina Caeli Academy event …More
Harrison Butker Speaks Out: No Regrets, No Apologies
In his first public statement since his viral and controversial commencement speech, Harrison Butker takes the stage at a Regina Caeli Academy event, leveraging his position on the board of directors. The Kansas City Chiefs kicker delivered a powerful message, staunchly reiterating his commitment to his faith and demonstrating his resolve to remain steadfast amidst adversity.
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"It is not people, but Jesus Christ that I am trying to please." I think he's doing it!
Why these toys matter.
Jeffrey Ade
Thank you! @DefendTruth I laughed at this!
A taxpayer-funded London theater has sparked strong reactions from all political sides for seeking a CEO who is disabled, “criminal class,” “LGBTQ+,” or a member of a “global majority,” meaning non …More
A taxpayer-funded London theater has sparked strong reactions from all political sides for seeking a CEO who is disabled, “criminal class,” “LGBTQ+,” or a member of a “global majority,” meaning non-white.
Camden People’s Theatre in London posted a job advert for an “Artistic Director & Joint CEO,” encouraging applications from people “without formal education” who identify as:
D/deaf and/or disabled
Working-class, benefit class, criminal class and/or underclass
Global majority* and/or migrant

Vacancy: Artistic Director & Joint CEO | Camden People's Theatre

Camden People’s Theatre is seeking an Artistic Director and Joint CEO to co-lead the organisation into its fourth decade. One of the UK’s …
Michele Sasi
Caligula appointed a horse as senator
Milei at a rock concert: “I am the king, I am the lion, I eat the elites for breakfast”
Q extraño
Oh what a tango we weave when our passion take leave
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The National Park Service has denied the Knights of Columbus permission to celebrate a Memorial Day Mass at a national cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia—prompting a lawsuit.

Knights of Columbus council sues Biden administration over permit for Memorial Day Mass

The Knights of Columbus has asked a federal court to allow it to hold its annual Memorial Day Mass inside a national …
Father Karl A Claver
I hope the Knights take this insult and injustice to the Supreme Court. But then, most of them probably voted for Joe in the first place.
British politician Andrew Bridgen just CALLED OUT the World Economic Forum in parliament.
Andrew Bridgen a hero of common sense should be invited to the Vatican 🤔 🤔 🤪
English Catholic
It's time governments reined in WEF unless it is already too late. Look at the sheer numbers involved worldwide: As well as Klaus Schwab, the Chairman …More
It's time governments reined in WEF unless it is already too late. Look at the sheer numbers involved worldwide:
As well as Klaus Schwab, the Chairman, there are 29 on the Board of Trustees, 7 on the Managing Board, 36 on the Executive Committee then there are 11,102 'Global Shapers' and over 1,400 'Young Global Leaders' and 'The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution' with 300+ Policy and Governance Experts and 450+ Innovators and Technology Pioneers Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) - World Economic Forum also the 'New Champions Community' New Champions - Home and then the various 'partners' of WEF: (scroll down, and in the filter, click on PARTNERS.ALL and an A-Z comes up. All the partners are listed in alphabetical order. God help us. We need a new David to put an end to this Goliath.

Biden's Navy secretary says he has 'no regrets' about firing 5,000+ unvaxxed sailors, Marines - LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The secretary of the U.S. Navy told senators that he has “no regrets …
Thanks to the masonic/communist education system he makes perfect sense
Everyday for Life Canada
What can we expect when Americans are governed by people who hate the nation and its people? Ditto for Canada.
2 more comments
President Joe Biden ends his speech by remembering when he signed the ‘Pacanalalalac’ Act into law. Very inspiring. "Let me close with this. After I signed the Pacanalalanalac Act into law..." Biden …More
President Joe Biden ends his speech by remembering when he signed the ‘Pacanalalalac’ Act into law. Very inspiring. "Let me close with this. After I signed the Pacanalalanalac Act into law..." Biden said. "I handed the pen that I signed it wiszzfschuna the most person most responsible for the legislation."
Fake pope fake President fake news fake pandemic fake church fake education fake history fake third secret. etc etc etc
What's he angry about? Heck, he is doing everything Obama asks of him. Do you think Obama would get backlash for implementing what he has done through …More
What's he angry about? Heck, he is doing everything Obama asks of him. Do you think Obama would get backlash for implementing what he has done through Biden. Oh yeaaaa
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"I say to every young man thinking of getting married, marry into a family with five or more daughters ... One of them will always love you" What????More
"I say to every young man thinking of getting married, marry into a family with five or more daughters ... One of them will always love you"
chris griffin
low down pony face dog soldier.

Why are climate extremists suggesting that 'deniers' should be sent to jail? - LifeSite

(The Daily Sceptic) — Comedy environmentalist Jim Dale and Dale Vince have both suggested that climate “denial …
Islamic call to prayer inside British Parliament in London.
English Catholic
At the last mandatory census in 2021 by the Office of National Statistics, 6.5% (3.9 million) identified as muslim. As that figure inexorably grows, …More
At the last mandatory census in 2021 by the Office of National Statistics, 6.5% (3.9 million) identified as muslim. As that figure inexorably grows, imagine what the situation will be like in a decade.
Louis IX
I suppose sung (Catholic) Vespers are now in play?
“Autism was one in 10,000 when I was a kid. It’s now one in 36.” The rise in autism “appears to be associated with the expanding childhood vaccine schedule,” Dr. McCullough explained. In the 1960s,…More
“Autism was one in 10,000 when I was a kid. It’s now one in 36.” The rise in autism “appears to be associated with the expanding childhood vaccine schedule,” Dr. McCullough explained. In the 1960s, kids got three shots. “Now, a child today faces 108 shots.” “At one of the visits between age one and two, there’s 13 shots administered altogether in children. And it’s been well demonstrated that if a child gets sick with a big round of shots, and they have a seizure, there’s about a 40% chance that the brain is injured, and they develop autism.”
One in 36! Dr. Andrew Wakefied has studied this extensively and published a study in the Lancet. He has been ostracized for revealing the link between …More
One in 36! Dr. Andrew Wakefied has studied this extensively and published a study in the Lancet. He has been ostracized for revealing the link between Autism and child hood vaccines. Dr Andrew Wakefield | Totality of Evidence
James Manning
My hot take is that it doesn't have anything to do with vaccines. I'm going to guess that most of the newer diagnoses are, like me, considered "high …More
My hot take is that it doesn't have anything to do with vaccines.
I'm going to guess that most of the newer diagnoses are, like me, considered "high functioning" or level 1. In the past, our idiosyncrasies probably wouldn't have gone beyond a quirk, but modern society's constant bombarding us with stimulation really messes up a brain. It's overwhelming. And the hurried pace of life just makes it harder to make necessary adjustments.
Also, I think that pre-industrial societies were better at managing said idiosyncrasies (with the sole exception of math savants. They can find a nice home in the sciences). You like lots of quiet and reflection and a solid routine? Maybe you should be a Trappist. Your brain sees all these systems that most people take for granted? Let's make you a philosopher or theologian.
In my own experience, the problems my autism caused were worst when I lived in New York City. They have been the least when I am either in nature or prayer, to the point where I don't …More
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Australia passes digital ID bill, raising fears of government surveillance without accountability - …

(LifeSiteNews) — The Australian Parliament has passed the Digital ID Bill 2024 and Digital ID (…
President Ebrahim Raisi has been confirmed DEAD after a helicopter crash.
This is Sweden?
David Jorge Franc
Nordic countrys were so admired. Sweden was a country I would love to visit. Everything is more organized in the north europe. Now its very bad to see …More
Nordic countrys were so admired. Sweden was a country I would love to visit. Everything is more organized in the north europe. Now its very bad to see that people with so diferent values. In Lisbon this happens too.
That's what happens, if you too self centered to have any children.
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"Up to a third" of illegal immigrants are registered to vote, according to new study: "Potentially high enough to overturn the will of the American people"

"Up to a third" of illegal immigrants are registered to vote, according to new study: "Potentially …

I know there were still those among us who were truly convinced that 2024 was going to be maybe, sort …
Freemasonic chickens are coming home to roost liberty equality fraternity .No fear of God leads to the cruel rule of Satan and his clan. American …More
Freemasonic chickens are coming home to roost liberty equality fraternity .No fear of God leads to the cruel rule of Satan and his clan. American foundational corner stone is recipe for hell on earth
Live Mike
Illegal immigrants are irrelevant. It is the vulnerable electronic ballot machines that are so easily tampered with by shadowy figures operating behind …More
Illegal immigrants are irrelevant. It is the vulnerable electronic ballot machines that are so easily tampered with by shadowy figures operating behind the curtain who will decide the next election. Haven't you figured that out yet after the fraud which took place in 2020 and 2022?
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